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- Key Stage One
Key Stage One (Years 1 & 2) is an exciting point in children's learning as they begin classroom lessons full-time.
Building on the foundations laid in EYFS, lessons continue to be practical and engaging, and to foster a love for learning.
We don’t call our children the Explorers for no reason. Chapter House pupils study their world through a variety of themes across science, humanities, art, and design technology.
In Key Stage One, our Explorers investigate their home through six exciting topics: Home and Away, Forest and Fairies, Sun, Sea and Sand, Castles, Polar Regions, and Scientists at Work.
"Teaching strategies and planning are typically based on pupils' interests and needs and pupils respond by engaging in the activities with enthusiasm."
Roles Of ResponsibilityKey Stage One brings new experiences and opportunities for greater responsibility and teamwork within the school community. Children can volunteer as Playground Buddies to develop their sense of responsibility, social skills and to create a positive and inclusive playground atmosphere. We also have a Student Voice Committee encouraging children to make decisions and be involved in shaping the school environment. |
Movement For LearningTwice a week, children in Key Stage One engage in a range of activities designed to hone their motor skills and develop a greater sense of control over their bodies. Loughborough University collaborated with Chapter House to pilot and refine the “Movement for Learning” programme to improve children’s academic learning and behaviour. Our Occupational Therapist, Joanne Duston, helped to support the project and run the activities. |
Overview of the Curriculum
English and Mathematics lessons are taught every day, with three PE sessions (including a dedicated swimming session) each week. Computing, Mandarin, Spanish, Topic (Science, Humanities, Art, and DT), and Performing Arts lessons are taught on rotation. The lessons are delivered by subject specialists. In Year 2, Science is taught discreetly as a separate subject once a week.
Year 1 |
Year 2 |