International Application Process

What is the admissions process for international students?

Our Admissions Team will guide you through every step of the application process and work closely with the Heads of Schools to ensure your child feels happy and supported in their transition to Queen Ethelburga’s.

We will need to contact your school, agent, or test centre to administer our online tests as we will require there to be an invigilator.

Students at Queen Ethelburga's

Overview of the international application process outlining the essential documents and assessments for entering the school.
Are You Visiting The UK?

We’d love to take you on a personal tour around campus to show you our amazing facilities and boarding houses.

If you decide to visit, you can also meet one of our senior academic staff who can explain the different courses and subjects available.

What To Expect When Applying For A Place

First, contact our Admissions team, one of our country representatives, or one of our international agents to register your interest and receive your application form.

Then, send your child’s documents:

  • Passport
  • 2 x Copies of the most recent full school reports
  • Any certificates of achievement that may aid your child’s application.
  • Application form

You will need to complete the following assessments:

  • An online English test
  • Cognitive Ability Test (CAT4)
  • Personal Resumé 
  • Personal Interview – either in person or through a video call

If your application is successful, you will receive an offer detailing the course your child has been accepted to, the start date and the termly fee for the course.

Accept and secure your offer of a place by completing the registration form and paying a non-refundable fee of £354. The overseas refundable deposit is equivalent to one term’s full fees.