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Mathematics at Chapter House
Mathematics is taught every day in Chapter House from Early Years Foundation Stage to Key Stage Two.
Each year, teachers build on the skills of the previous year through Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) and practise mental and problem-solving mathematics.
An Engaging CurriculumMathematics teaches children how to make sense of the world by developing their ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. Our focus is on developing strong numeracy skills, logical reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. Through a variety of engaging approaches, our teachers create fun lessons that incorporate practical activities, outdoor exploration and lively discussions. |
Early Years Foundation Stage
Learning numbers 1 to 10, measures, shape and spatial thinking all begin in Nursery. Children are slowly introduced to mathematics through “Magic Moments” (short bursts of planned activities) and teachers try to incorporate play as much as possible. Many resources are sourced from “White Rose Maths”.
Key Stage One
The foundations learnt in Nursery and Reception are applied to teaching children multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. In Year 1, children focus on money, measuring mass, number and place value. In Year 2, children learn to round numbers along with greater or lesser value. Every week students are given a “Beat That Maths” challenge to help refresh their memory and take part in weekly times tables tests.
Key Stage Two
The times tables are a key component to learning mathematics at Key Stage Two. Every week, children are tested on a particular times table. In Year 3, students begin to practise reading a clock and mental and written maths, involving measure and money. From Year 4, children are taught in sets according to their ability and learn fractions, decimals and negative numbers.
Year 5 is the last year in Chapter House and students apply their knowledge to maths strategies and problem solving. Students follow the National Curriculum and return to previous lessons to ensure their recall of other topics learnt.