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Your Child’s Academic Journey Through Chapter House.
At Chapter House, learning is based on a question, a passion, a curiosity. Lessons are sparked by a special moment between a child and a teacher or parent.
For instance, an autumnal walk in the park where your child begins collecting pretty, orange leaves could spark a science lesson on why leaves fall from trees, an art lesson on still life, or an English lesson on describing nature using adjectives.
"Pupils of all ages demonstrate effective communication skills due to a well-planned curriculum, which provides opportunities to practise these skills in a range of contexts."
A Question, A Passion, A CuriosityWe often liken a Chapter House student to an explorer continuously investigating and questioning the world we live in. Topic lessons (Humanities, Science, and Art) are based on different historical moments or environments around the world. Likewise, classrooms are beautifully decorated to replicate the term’s topic to inspire students' curiosity in a subject. |
Early Years Foundation Stage
Our youngest Explorers are part of our Early Years Foundation Stage provision which includes Kindergarten, Nursery and Foundation learning stages. Classrooms are filled with interesting, natural and inspiring items to spark curiosity and discovery.
Key Stage One (Year 1 to Year 2)
Building on the foundations learnt in EYFS, Key Stage One children are introduced to learning in a classroom setting. Lessons are filled with practical and engaging topics to explore and learn more about the world we live in. Every child learns a musical instrument and has lessons in Spanish and Mandarin.
Key Stage Two (Year 3 to Year 5)
Transitioning from Key Stage One to Key Stage Two is a big step for our Explorers. Children are encouraged to be more independent in their learning and take a proactive role in asking questions and making new discoveries. Students begin to learn essential sports skills to prepare them for playing football, basketball, netball, and cricket at King’s Magna.